Partner with Uptrend Rent and Help Your Tenants Build Credit

As a property manager, you play a critical role in your tenants’ lives. Partnering with Uptrend Rent allows you to offer your tenants a unique opportunity to build their credit scores by reporting their on-time rent payments. It’s a win-win – you foster stronger relationships with your tenants while helping them improve their financial standing. Learn more about how you can become an Uptrend Rent property manager partner today.

According to TransUnion, 70% of tenants are more likely to pay rent on time if their payments are being reported to the credit bureaus.

Motivated tenants are the best tenants. The desire to improve or maintain one’s credit is a powerful motivator.

We Offer 2 Easy Programs for Property Managers

Refer your Tenants and We Pay You.

Join our partner program and receive a referral reward of $20 for each resident who enrolls.

Simply email our invitation link to your residents and let us do the rest.

Offer our service for as little as $2.50 per tenant.

Offer a real benefit your competitors can’t beat.

Simply let us know who paid and when and we do the rest each month at no additional charge to your resident.

Zero Risk, All Reward

Help your tenants while helping yourself. If your tenants aren’t happy with the impact to their credit, we’ll issue a full refund.  No questions asked. We’re that sure they’re going to love it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Uptrend Rent work?

Uptrend Rent reports your monthly rent payments to the major credit bureaus, helping you build or improve your credit score without taking on new debt.

Yes! We accept rent payments from all landlords and property managers, whether they are private or part of a larger company.

Results can vary, but many users start seeing improvements in their credit score within 60-90 days of consistent rent payment reporting.

We accept rent payments of any amount as long as the payment is regular and ongoing.

No! You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Our Promise to You

We are committed to helping you get the credit
you deserve. If you are not delighted with your
score change, we will gladly issue a refund.

101 NE 3rd Ave, Suite 1500, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM PST

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After adding their rent to their credit file, our customers see an average increase of 40 points in 10 days.